Faith Formation

First Communion

Typically directed towards fifth graders, this program teaches the history and importance of communion. This program is led by the Pastor and the Altar Guild, and helps learners to better understand the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Luther’s Small Catechism

Directed towards middle school students, this program lasts two to three years. During this time of formation, students are taught about the history of the Protestant Reformation, the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and are taught the core teachings of the Bible. This class is led by the Pastor. This class occurs from September-May the first and third Tuesday evening.

Lectionary Bible Study

Each week the Pastor leads a group of worshippers through a focused understanding of the lectionary. Each text is analyzed, and helps worshippers grasp the topics of each week’s sermon and readings. This is Emmanuel’s newest faith formation offerings. Bible Study occurs every Wednesday at 10:30 AM. The class is on break during Advent and Lent.

© Emmanuel Lutheran Church 2025