About Us

Mission Statement 

About Emmanuel Lutheran It is the purpose of Emmanuel Lutheran Church 

to engage as many persons as will share its commitment to Christ  in a ministry of worship, learning, witness, nurture and service that the redemptive work of God in Jesus Christ may be evident in their lives. 

Our History

Emmanuel’s long and cherished history began in September 1928. Since then we have had seven pastors, multiple additions, and shared the love of Jesus with many. For more information about our history, click here.

Emmanuel’s Ministries 

Communication – to provide accessible and engaging media support to all other church ministries. Education – to oversee and promote education programs of this congregation. 

Fellowship – to provide opportunities for people to gather together informally and share each other’s  company. 

Finance – to oversee the collection, investment and use of the monetary assets of this congregation. Mutual Ministry – to support the minister and the laity of the congregation. 

Outreach – to share Jesus and the ministry of this congregation with those in the community. Property – to keep this congregation’s facilities in good repair. 

Social – to enable the congregation to demonstrate Christ’s love and concern by attending to the physical  needs in our community and world. 

Stewardship – to help church members joyfully and thankfully offer back to God what God has first given us. 

Worship & Music – to make available the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the proper  administration of the Sacraments to as many people as possible. 

Youth – to engage youth in worship, fellowship, fun and service.

© Emmanuel Lutheran Church 2023
