Seminarian Ian Hamilton
Ian Hamilton is a third year M.Div. student at Luther Seminary. He has attended Emmanuel Lutheran since 2010, and was confirmed as a member of Emmanuel in 2014. Ian is currently away on his internship year in Eugene, Oregon. He is currently serving as the Vicar at United Lutheran Church and Central Lutheran Church. Following his year away, he will come back to Emmanuel as he finishes up his studies.
During his undergraduate studies, Ian served as the director of Sunday school during an internship course. He went on to complete his Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Ashland University in August 2022.
Ian is a distributed learning student, meaning that he takes most of his classes on the computer, and does his contextual learning away from campus. He has to travel to Minnesota a few times a year for intensive lectures. For part of his education, Ian served as a chaplain intern at the Cleveland Clinic. He also has helped serve Emmanuel in a variety of ways, and has also led Bible studies and preached at other local Lutheran churches.
His favorite course he has taken is history of the early Christian church. In addition to studying, our seminarian likes to keep busy through a variety of hobbies. These hobbies include backpacking, running, gardening, disc golf, birding, traveling, blogging, kayaking, roller skating, and spending time with his fiancé Alexis. Every month our seminarian posts an update on his life and his studies, which you can find below. It is his goal to work towards restoring the public image of the church by seeking reconciliation. Following his studies at Luther, Ian intends on becoming a Pastor of Word and Sacrament.